0.19.0 out - new colour swapper tool

The main feature of this update is a new replacement for the old colour swap tool. 
The new one acts a bit like a photoshop filter - you can preview, toggle preview on/off, confirm or cancel. 
In addition to incrementing colour order, you can decrement by right- or shift-clicking on the order buttons. 
Better yet, the < and > buttons lets you rotate order, "Flip 3" lets you flip the three "free" palette indexes, while "4" flipps all. 
"Col 0 from subpal n" let's you decide which of the 4 subpalettes the common colour should be fetched from, in case new indexes cause a conflict (previously, it was fixed to subpalette 0).
The new radio buttons for application lets you decide more precicely what assets should be affected by the colour swap. Just the patterns, just the palettes, or a combination, perhaps of specific parts. 

This new implementation is also a first step towards a more interactive/intuitive import dialogue, which will come later. 

Beside this new main feature, there are some few minor bug fixes which you can find in the changelog in the zip. 
I also decided to include my 25 NES fonts; public domain and free for all. There's also a template file for circles and curves included. 

That's all for this update! Hope you'll like it. 


NEXXT 0.19.0.zip 1.6 MB
Nov 29, 2022

Get NEXXT studio 3

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